2007年6月9日 星期六

effect of technology

Effect of technology
Technology brings the improvement in our living standard to our life and makes our life more convenient, but it produces a lot of pollution and damages our environment.

First, the invention of car lets us spend less time on traffic, but the flare gas of cars discharge make greenhouse effect, acid rain and air pollution. Second, people devise many plastic productions for our life; meanwhile, these are not doted absolutely, this question still bothering us. Third, the internet makes many things more convenient, like buying things, doing homework, searching things, study and event working in at home. This can be a problem, too. The internet is so convenient that can make people lazier. They won’t go out for work and event buying things, because you if you have a computer, internet and your hand, you can do these things whenever you want.

When you are using these technologies, you have to think if this will harm our environment.

2007年5月9日 星期三

red cross

Red CrossTopic: Helping where it’s most neededSubtitle: Where you find misfortune, you’ll find the helping organization (non-profit organization NPO) such as Red CrossPreface:I. disaster= casualty, calamity misfortune, mishap, catastrophe, tragedy, accidentII. massive power of nature (typhoons & hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquake & tsunami and draught)Therefore, government and helping organization cooperate with each others.Global response:1. Which one is become the world’s second larges international organization? Why?2. How did the Red Cross coordinate the call in the local devastated area? 3. What did the Red Cross help these victims to cure (treat) the disaster relief?Word list: donate (v) donation (n) donation charity 慈善義賣temporary (aj.)= shortVolunteers:What jobs did the volunteers be trained in skills at the Red Cross?Word list: urban/ suburb, victim= sufferer, 1oserWorking together:Cooperate (v) cooperation (n)請敘述紅十字會之父故事 P.18 *Briefly describe the father of Red Cross請回答下列問題P. 17 (共三題)

2007年4月6日 星期五

A Friend to My Life

A Friend to My Life
Friendship is important to everybody. People said “ a friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same.” So every needs to make friends. If you have a problem someday, they will give you a hand to solve them. So we can not have no friend in our life.
When I study in chung cheng armed forces preparatory school, I have a great of friends there. One of my friends is 盧政佑, he is my best friend. When I saw him first time, I though he is a bored man. I really don’t like him. We are in the same class, so I make a friend with him. And then, I find he is a very passionate person .he helps a lot of friends that they need. So we become the best friend. His spirit just like Albert Schweitzer. Sometimes he will sacrifice himself to help others. I really respect him.
I graduate from senior high school in 2006. I enter the CAFA, but he is too heavy to enter RMA. So we can not get along everyday. I have a lot of problem here, and I tell him. Though, he can not help me that he always encourages me. I though he is a really friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. He is the best model.
A Friend to My Life
Friendship is important to everybody. People said “ a friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same.” So every needs to make friends. If you have a problem someday, they will give you a hand to solve them. So we can not have no friend in our life.
When I study in chung cheng armed forces preparatory school, I have a great of friends there. One of my friends is 盧政佑, he is my best friend. When I saw him first time, I though he is a bored man. I really don’t like him. We are in the same class, so I make a friend with him. And then, I find he is a very passionate person .he helps a lot of friends that they need. So we become the best friend. His spirit just like Albert Schweitzer. Sometimes he will sacrifice himself to help others. I really respect him.
I graduate from senior high school in 2006. I enter the CAFA, but he is too heavy to enter RMA. So we can not get along everyday. I have a lot of problem here, and I tell him. Though, he can not help me that he always encourages me. I though he is a really friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. He is the best model.

2007年4月5日 星期四



2007年3月31日 星期六

l A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.
l 父親是寶藏,兄弟是安逸,但朋友兩者皆是。
l A friend in need is a friend indeed.
l 患難見真情。
l A friend is a second self
l 朋友是第二個自己
l A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same
l 朋友就是一位最能了解你,同樣關愛你的
l A friend should bear a friend's infirmities.
l 朋友應容忍朋友的缺點。
l Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
l 富貴結朋友,患難見真情。
l A hedge between keeps friendship green.
l 朋友之間相處,稍存距離,則友誼長青
l Men are known by the company they keep.
l 觀其所友,知其為人
l Long absence changes a friend.
l 久別朋友變
l It is better to be alone than in baf company.
l 與損友為伍,不如獨處

2007年2月13日 星期二

My first

Hello, my name is 夏繼家.I never use the blog.

My English is not very great . Because I just using English in class.
So I hope my English can become more and more fine. What can I
do? I need to study everyday.

I am a fresh man. My favorite sport is basketball. But why I come here?
I want to be pilot. That is my dream.